
Breakfast with PREVIPAR

Institutional Wealth Management

19 June 2024

Yesterday, on 06/18, we hosted a breakfast in Curitiba, PR, filled with valuable insights on wealth management in the institutional world.

Sergio Campos, Head of Institutional Clients at Turim, discussed our approach to wealth management for institutional clients, highlighting the importance of robust and personalized planning to meet the specific needs of this segment.

Next, Henrique Santos, CFA, Partner and Portfolio Manager at Turim, shared our methodologies for building diversified portfolios and the careful selection of managers, emphasizing how these practices are crucial for maximizing returns and mitigating risks.

We would like to thank Previpar – Associação Dos Fundos De Pensão Do Paraná, our partner HMC CAPITAL, and everyone who participated in our event. It was a productive and enriching morning!

We remain committed to offering high-quality financial solutions and fostering knowledge-sharing spaces like this one.
